The spirit of the Fountainbleu

I probably have 25 pieces of canvases and 100 tubes or more of pigments in hand.  I could not put myself to paint in the last few days, probably preoccupied with other commitments to prepare, like running 2 marathons in the next 4 weeks and trying to keep my fitness level tip top while chugging with a sore right hip.  HM told me before that if my ability has no direct contribution or impact to others, is it worth persuing?  A painter will not succeed if she is operating under the  “feel good” mood to paint.  It has got to be a daily discipline with different sparks at different times.  Which also means the need for solitary indulgent.  There will be no works without time alone to reflect.  The forest has been my recent patron of late.TImothy is not a big fan of long walks and soon I may need to give this four legged a break from the forest.

Are we operating under false impression of our own centrality and vividness?

“Do whatever you do for no reason other than you love it and believe in its importance” “The fulfilling life, the distinctive life, the relevant in life is an achievement” 

I have difficulty reconciling inconsistent moods of others.  Perhaps tolerance requires a lot of wisdom.  So I am off to read a book and hopefully I could run more than 2 km tomorrow after a 5 weeks break.  The car is back in the workshop and I will probably give Batu Pahat a miss at month end to visit the cousins.  The driving up was quite a long stretch and I was very sleepy with the scorching sun beaming at the directions I was heading to.

Green, yellow, blue green.  That will probably be the theme for my next painting, probably a sun burst yellow. A muted shade of rouge.  I can’t wait to have my own place to paint. Another 6-7 months to go.  I am ecstatic at the thought of having the floor to myself, to move around the canvas while I paint and scrape the palette knives with impasto on the canvas. 

Dad seemed to like the artwork”Together” I did just one piece like that.  Perhaps it is the calligraphy look alike that he was able to connect with. To achieve that effect, I  stood above a 6 feet ladder to drip the paint over a sleeve on a painted ultramarine background.   The effect is astounding but not without effort and risk of falling off the height.




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